Tanzanie: Quatre Chinois condamnés pour trafic de cornes de rhinocéros

Pictured: The reflection of the rhino lines up perfectly with some plants in the water to look like it has a head of hair and a mostache.This magnificent rhinoceros looks like it is wearing a wig and a moustache in its reflection as it stands at the edge of a watering hole. The female white rhino has come to the pool in the African savanna with her grown calf for an evening drink as the sun begins to set.She gracefully poises her powerful neck over the still grey water, appearing as though she is staring at her own likeness before lowering her head and taking a sip. Aquatic grass plants cover the rhino's head and mouth in the reflection, giving the illusion that the animal has frizzy hair and a giant moustache.The photographer who captured them, Japie Maritz, from Pretoria, South Africa, said: "The shot was inspired by the horrible way in which these animals are being poached. SEE OUR COPY FOR DETAILS.Please byline: Japie Maritz/Solent News' Japie Maritz/Solent News & Photo Agency UK +44 (0) 2380 458800/SOLENTNEWS_1836.43/Credit:Japie Maritz/Solent News/SIPA/1510181537
Un tribunal du sud-ouest de la Tanzanie a condamné à 20 ans de prison quatre Chinois arrêtés début novembre 2015 en possession de onze cornes de rhinocéros alors qu’ils venaient d’entrer en Tanzanie en provenance du Malawi, a-t-on appris vendredi

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